Want to be more involved at WLE? Sign up HERE or email westlake.pfa@gmail.com & we'll let you know about the volunteer opportunities available.
The Westlake Elementary PFA
(Parent Faculty Association) connects families with our school to collaboratively support the school’s vision, mission, and goals.
Please click here for our direct donations link.
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) - Our school district is stronger when we engage our staff, students, parents, and community in processes that assist with two-way communication.
Annual Notifications Information
Nondiscrimination Statement, Physical Education Requirements, Student Sexual Harassment, Title IX, Uniform Complaints, Williams Complaints
Read More
504 and Title IX Coordinator: Megan Triplett
Student Portal
Access our morning announcements, enrichment opportunities, and access all student resources. This portion of the website is only accessible to active WLE students.
Policies, Manuals, & Guidelines
Discipline Policy and Procedures and Annual Notification of Rights and Responsibilities; Assembly Bill, Acceptable Use Policy
Our Address
1571 East Potrero Road
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:00pm
Contact Numbers
Office: 805-374-2150
Fax: 805-496-4006
Attendance: 805-494-0324
Westlake Elementary is committed to ensuring that all materials on this web site are accessible to students, staff, and the general public. If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any webpages or documents, please request materials in an alternate format by contacting cvusdcommunication@conejousd.org
The Conejo Valley Unified School District is an equal opportunity employer. More info
View Conejo Valley Unified School District's Freedom from Discrimination/Harassment Statement here